"...Spike, boisterously played by Bobby Mittelstadt, is outrageously eccentric and completely contrasts every other character...The audience overwhelmingly loved this production..."
-Angelica Potter
In rehearsal with Darko Tresnjak, going over movement and fight choreography for the infamous blinding scene.
Hanging out with the crew on Random Acts. That costume is from a scene that unfortunately didn't make the cut.
Jon Hamm experiencing white thoughts in a coffee shop. This is also behind the scenes from a scene that didn't make the episode!
Here's a glimpse of me behind Jon Hamm in the pilot episode for HBO's new series Random Acts of Flyness
Performing Djore Nance's choreography in a segment from HBO's new series Random Acts of Flyness
Again, a new production that I was lucky to be a part of got featured in the New York Times. This moment was right after we tragically shot Vittorio Grigolo.
Rocking no shirt again on stage at the Met. Catch me in the bottom right corner as Sondra Radvanovsky sings Casta Diva!
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at the Peterborough Players
Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at the Peterborough Players